
Katherine Loukopoulos

Katherine Loukopoulos, a Forensic Psychologist, started her studies in Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate in New York City with Zenko Heshiki Sensei.

  She was a member of USA National Karate Team for seven years. Her achievements include 10 times ‘All American’, three times ‘All around All American’, three Pan American Championships, numerous Good Will International Championships, and one World Games titles.  (1979 – 1985)

Katherine relocated to Okinawa to study in depth the martial arts; she studied Goju Ryu with Miyazato Eiichi Sensei & Uehara Ko Sensei, Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu with Shoshin Nagamine Sensei & Nakamura Seigi Sensei, RyuKyu Kobudo with Eisuke Akamine Sensei & Uehara Ko Sensei, and Tai Ho Jitsu with Ogimi Choukaku Sensei.  (1985 – 2000)

Some Milestones:

More information and an Interview about Katherine Sensei can be found on the Ikigai Way website. 

Part 1: www.ikigaiway.com/interview-katherine-loukopoulos-sensei-matsubayashi-ryu-and-goju-ryu-part-1/

Part 2: www.ikigaiway.com/interview-katherine-loukopoulos-sensei-part-2/

Please see below also the TMAI Podcast Episode by Hanshi Marquez on Youtube

Get in touch via Email: kloukopoulos2001@yahoo.com